sound workshop and installation
communication project
Photo by Bernadette Vrancken
14 organizations took part in a year-long sound workshop based on the harvesting of voice material that is, by its very nature, destined to disappear (dreams, the babblings of toddlers, the memories of old people, the imaginings of an autistic child etc.). Bob Vanderbob then used this material to weave these notions into an acousmatic sound tapestry.
The project culminated in an exhibition at the Maison de la Culture in Tournai (Belgium) in 2006 where the 50-minute composition was spatiallized on a pentaphonic sound system. Listeners sat around a central pit from which the voices emerged, swelled and swirled.
A limited edition CD (2000 copies) was produced by the Ministère de la Culture de la Communauté française de Belgique.